Module 45 - A309b

A309b: Understanding Requirements for Ramp Meter Control (RMC) Units Based on NTCIP 1207 Standard v02

HTML of the PowerPoint Presentation

(Note: This document has been converted from a PowerPoint presentation to 508-compliant HTML. The formatting has been adjusted for 508 compliance, but all the original text content is included, plus additional text descriptions for the images, photos and/or diagrams have been provided below.)

Slide 1:

Welcome - Graphic image of introductory slide. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Welcome - Graphic image of introductory slide. A large dark blue rectangle with a wide, light grid pattern at the top half and bands of dark and lighter blue bands below. There is a white square ITS logo box with words "Standards ITS Training" in green and blue on the middle left side. The word "Welcome" in white is to the right of the logo. Under the logo box is the logo for the U.S. Department of Transpotation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.)

Slide 2:

Welcome slide with Ken Leonard and screen capture of home webpage. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide, entitled "Welcome" has a photo of Ken Leonard, Director, ITS Joint Program Office, on the left hand side, with his email address, A screen capture snapshot of the home webpage is found on the right hand side - for illustration only - from August 2014. Below this image is a link to the current website: - this screen capture snapshot shows an example from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Development - Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office - ITS Professional Capacity Building Program/Advanced ITS Education. Below the main site banner, it shows the main navigation menu with the following items: About, ITS Training, Knowledge Exchange, Technology Transfer, ITS in Academics, and Media Library. Below the main navigation menu, the page shows various content of the website, including a graphic image of professionals seated in a room during a training program. A text overlay has the text Welcome to ITS Professional Capacity Building. Additional content on the page includes a box entitled What's New and a section labeled Free Training. Again, this image serves for illustration only. The current website link is:

Slide 3:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 4:


Understanding Requirements for Ramp Meter Control

(RMC) Units Based on NTCIP 1207 Standard v02

Slide 5:


Headshot photo of Raman K. Patel, Ph.D., P.E. President, RK Patel Associates, Inc. New York City, NY, USA

Raman K. Patel, Ph.D., P.E. President

RK Patel Associates, Inc. New York City, NY, USA

Slide 6:

Target Audience

Slide 7:

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Slide 8:

Curriculum Path

Curriculum Path. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Curriculum Path: A graphical illustration indicating the sequence of training modules that lead up to and follow each course. Each modules is represented by a box with the name of the module in it and an arrow showing the logical flow of the modules and the current module highlighted. This slide focuses on the modules that lead up to the current course. The module titles are as follows:


Slide 9:

abbrs Used

Slide 10:

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop requirements using the NTCIP 1207 v02 RMC Units Standard
  2. Establish Interoperability and vendor-independence
  3. Prepare traceability tables for RMC
  4. Incorporate requirements not supported by standardized objects
  5. Develop an RMC specification

Slide 11:

Learning Objective #1: Develop Requirements Using the NTCIP 1207 v02 RMC Unit Standard

Slide 12:

Learning Objective #1

Review the Structure of the NTCIP 1207

Standard v02

The Standard has Four Sections and Five Annexes:

Section 1 General: Scope, references, terms, definitions.

Section 2 Standards-Based RMC

System: References to various standards.

The Ramp Meter Control (RMC) unit consists of the field controller, its suite of sensors (detectors), and its warning signs and signals.

The RMC System produces and implements a metering rate (release rate), e.g. 500 vehicles per hour per lane (vphpl).

Review the Structure of the NTCIP 1207 Standard v02 Unit. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Review the Structure of the NTCIP 1207 Standard v02 Unit: The slide has two graphic images. The top layout shows detailed components of the RMC unit: three detectors on the mainline are shown as small square boxes with three outbound arrows for each lane showing the direction of traffic flow. On the metered lane, several detectors are shown on a ramp with inward arrows going toward the freeway mainline, labeled a queue detector, demand detector, and passage detector being the last one after the STOP line. The second layout at the bottom is a photo of a ramp being metered, with vehicles passing at the ramp signal and merging onto the freeway segment.)

Slide 13:

Learning Objective #1

Section 3: Management Information Base

(MIB) Provides Design Data for RMC System

Management Information Base. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following text:

The bulleted list has an arrow leading from the word "structured" to a box outlined in red, which contains the text: Requested Rate
rmcRequestRate OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"Indicates the metering rate that is requested if the rmcRequestAction-object
has a value of 'fixedRate'. This value shall be expressed in 1-vph increments.
<Unit> vehicles per hour
<Object Identifier>"
::={ rmcMeterStatEntry 9 }


Slide 14:

Learning Objective #1

New Additional Information

Section 4: RMC Block Object Definitions (Supports Efficiency)

Annex A - RMC Unit Operations Description. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the text:

Annex A - RMC Unit Operations Description

Metering Plan
The RMC unit shall have a Metering Plan Table containing all of the Metering Plans…….a Maximum Number of Metering Plans parameter to indicate the number of metering plans (4-100) ……… a Number of Metering Plans parameter to indicate how many metering plans are currently supported……… a Metering Plan Number parameter identifying which plan it represents……..

A box on the left contains the text:

Each Metering Level shall consist of:
Occupancy Threshold
(0, 5.0-30.0 percent in 0.1-percent increments)
Flow Rate Threshold
(0, 1000-3600 vph in 1-vph increments)
Speed Threshold
(0, 15-100 km/h in 1-km/h increments)

This box has an arrow to the right with the text:

Metering Rate
(0, 120-1800 vph in 1-vph increments)


Slide 15:

Learning Objective #1

Additional New Information (Annex B)

(Later, we will discuss how to use this information)

Additional New Information (Annex B). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: B.2 RMC UNIT REQUIREMENTS

The Conformance Group definitions for RMC units are defined in this clause. A RMC unit has multiple functions; thus, Conformance Groups are defined for each function

The following table lists functional requirements for an RMC unit, and asks if the listed features have been implemented.

Ref Areas Clause of Profile Status Support
B.3 General Configuration Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.2 O Yes/No
B.4 Traffic Responsive Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.3 O Yes/No
B.5 Metered Lane Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.3 M Yes
B.6 Dependency Group Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.4 O Yes/No
B.7 Queue Detection Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.4 O Yes/No
  - Length Based Queue Detection   O Yes/No
  - Occupancy Based Queue Detection   O Yes/No
  - Quick Occupancy Based Queue Detection   O Yes/No
  - Rate Adjusted Queue Adjustment   O Yes/No
  - Level Adjusted Queue Adjustment   O Yes/No
  - Fixed Rate Queue Adjustment   O Yes/No
B.8 Passage Detection Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.5 O Yes/No
  - Long Stop NTCIP 1207- 3.5 O Yes/No
B.9 Time Base Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.6 O Yes/No
  - Mainline Scheduling NTCIP 1207- 3.6 O Yes/No
B.10 Physical I/O Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.7 O Yes/No
  - Metered Lane Output NTCIP 1207- 3.7 O Yes /No
  - Dependency Group Output NTCIP 1207- 3.7 O Yes/No
B.11 Block Object Conformance Group NTCIP 1207- 3.8 O Yes/No
B.12 Configuration Conformance Group NTCIP 1201 -2.2 M Yes

Note: Line B.3 has a set of red arrows pointing to Object 1, Object 2, Object n. Line B.5 has a set of blue arrows pointing to Object x, Object y, Object z.)

Annex C: Object tree diagram; Annex D: Future test procedures; Annex E: Documentation of revisions

Slide 16:

Learning Objective #1

What is NOT offered by the NTCIP 1207 Standard v02?

What is not offered by the NTCIP 1207 v02 Standard? Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: What is not offered by the NTCIP 1207 v02 Standard? Diagram of the slanted part of a Vee diagram on the left that outlines ConOps, Requirements, and Design. Two separate arrows attached to user needs and requirements to indicate that the user needs and requirements sections are not offered by this standard.)

Slide 17:

Learning Objective #1

Traceability Tools NOT Offered by the NTCIP 1207 Standard v02

Traceability Tools Not Offered by the NTCIP v02 Standard. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: Traceability Tools Not Offered by the NTCIP v02 Standard: A graphic with three circles with separate in and out arrows are shown on the left side to indicate relationships among user needs in top circle, requirements in the middle circle, and design in the lowermost circle. This graphic illustrates the point that PRL and RTM tools are not offered by the standard.)

PRL: Protocol Requirements List RTM: Requirements Traceability Matrix

Slide 18:

Learning Objective #1

Definition of a Requirement

A description of a condition or capability to which a system is obligated to conform; either derived directly from user needs, or stated in a contract, standard, specification, or other imposed document. A desired feature, property, or behavior of a system.

-NTCIP 1203 v03 DMS Standard

Slide 19:

Learning Objective #1

User Needs' Relationship to Requirements

User Needs Relationship to Requirements. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: User Needs' Relationship to Requirements:  Arrows are used to show relationships. In the top graphic, there is an arrow from user need pointing to Requirement 1; in the middle, two separate arrows point to Requirement 1 and Requirement 2; in the last, bottom graphic, there is an arrow from "Many User Needs" pointing to Requirement 1.)

Slide 20:

Learning Objective #1

Illustration of the Relationship

User Need: TMC needs to control RMC functions remotely

Requirement: "The RMC unit shall allow the management station to request implementation of an updated metering plan

using communications command source...

Illustration of the Relationship. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: Illustration of Relationship: At the bottom left, traffic controller is shown as a TARGET with a signal head; on the right side, a TMC workstation is shown as an ACTOR. Both are connected with an arrow from TMC to the controller-ACTION.)

Slide 21:

Learning Objective #1

RMC Requirements are to be Identified from Various Sources

RMC Requirements are to be Identified from Various sources. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: RMC Requirements are to be Identified from Various sources: Four title pages of standard cover pages are shown: SEP-Based Standard, followed by PCB A309a Module, NTCIP 1207 v02 standard Annex A, and NTCIP 1207 standard Annex B.)

Slide 22:

Learning Objective #1

RMC Requirements Must be Well-Formed Using a Criteria

Provide a Structure to a Requirement:

RMC Requirements Must be Well-Formed Using a Criteria. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following text:

  1. Actor identifies who requests the action.
  2. Action identifies what is to happen.
  3. Target identifies who or what receives the action.
  4. Constraint identifies how to measure the success or failure of the requirement.
  5. Localization identifies the circumstances under which the requirement applies.

The bottom two items, 4 and 5, have a bracket to the right which points to the following text: Not all
requirements will have both.)

Slide 23:

Learning Objective #1

Review Criteria for Well-Formed Requirements

Applying Characteristics:

  1. Necessary: Must be useful and traceable to needs.
  2. Concise: Minimal, understandable, and expressed as a shall statement.
  3. Attainable: Realistic to achieve within available resources and time.
  4. Standalone: Stated completely in one place.
  5. Consistent: Does not contradict itself, nor any other stated requirement.
  6. Unambiguous: Susceptible to only one interpretation.
  7. Verifiable: Requirement can be verified through inspection, analysis, demonstration, or test.

Slide 24:

Learning Objective #1

Applying the Criteria to Types of RMC Requirements

Applying the Criteria to Types of RMC Requirements. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: There are three boxes on the left with text, more text in the center, then three boxes on the right. The first box on the left contains the text "Architectural
Requirements" with "Supports general communication capabilities," then a box to the right with "SNMP Interface." The second box on the left contains the text "Data Exchange Requirements" with "Supports
device feature-functions", then box to the right with "Traffic responsive." The third box on the left contains the text "Supplemental Requirements" with "Not covered above
Special project need," wthen box to the right with "Local".)

Slide 25:

Learning Objective #1

Organizing Requirements for a Project Specification

Sample Format to Follow in this Module

Section 3 RMC Unit Requirements

3.1 General Background Information

3.2 Architectural Requirements

3.2.1 Provide Live Data

3.2.2 Provide Off-Line Logged Data

3.3 Data Exchange Requirements

3.3.1 Managing Configuration

3.3.2 RMC Unit Control

3.3.3 Monitoring Status

3.4 Supplemental Requirements

3.4.1 Traffic Controller Firmware (if applicable)

See Student Supplement for Details

Slide 26:

Learning Objective #1

Identifying Requirements Based on User Needs Developed in Module A309a

Identifying Requirements Based on User Needs Developed in Module A309a. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Identifying Requirements Based on User Needs Developed in Module A309a: An arrow from the User Needs table points to a text box on the bottom right. There is a box with the following text:

UN 2.1: Provide Live Data Exchange (Clause F. 1.1.1)
A management station (central software) has a need to conduct a live data exchange with the RMC unit to retrieve any set of data at any time.

UN 2.2: Provide Logged Data Exchange (Clause F.1.1.3)
A management station has a need to retrieve logged-data at a later time from the RMC unit in a situation when communication is lost or not-always on communications (e.g. dial-up links).

UN 2.3: Provide Capability to Retrieve RMC Identity (Clause F.1.2.1)
A TMC Operator desires to inquire basic information about the RMC unit such as its location, make, model and version of the device components.

To the right is a box that says "See list of RMC user needs in Student Supplement".

A blue arrow leads to to a box that says "We need to translate UNs into requirements" in the lower right hand corner.)

Slide 27:

Learning Objective #1

3.2 Architectural Requirements

3.2.1 Provide Live Data Retrieve Data

The RMC unit (TARGET) shall allow the management station (ACTOR) to retrieve data (ACTION) from the RMC unit. Deliver Data

The RMC unit shall allow the management station to deliver data (e.g. configuration data; commands.)

Architectural Requirements. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: Architectural Requirements: At the bottom of the slide, two boxes are connected with a two-headed arrow. The text box on the left is "Management Station" and the one on right is "RMC Unit". This conveys that the RMC unit shall allow the management station to deliver data.)

Provide Live Data: Monitor-Control RMC Unit System when connected.

Slide 28:

Learning Objective #1

3.2 Architectural Requirements (cont.)

3.2.2 Provide Off-Line Logged Data Retrieve Logged Data Collected During Off-Line Situations

The RMC unit shall allow the management station to retrieve one or more available logged data from the event log gathered during certain off-line conditions such as loss of communications and a dial-up link.

Architectural Requirements. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Architectural Requirements (cont.): In the middle of the slide, two boxes are connected with a two-headed arrow. The text box on the left is "Management Station" and one on right is "RMC Unit". This conveys that the RMC unit shall allow the management station to retrieve data.) Clear Log

The RMC unit shall allow the management station to clear any or all log entries of a given event class.

Slide 29:

Learning Objective #1

3.3 Data Exchange Requirements Background

Module A309a identified the data exchange user needs to:

Data Exchange Requirements. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Data Exchange Requirements: A photo of the TMC is shown on the left side of the slide; RMC Unit photo is on the right, with an arrow connecting both with text above the arrow stating "Center-to-Field Communications".)

Slide 30:

Learning Objective #1

Data Exchange Requirement (Configuration)

Data Exchange Requirement (Configuration). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following text: Configuration Management - The management station [ACTOR] shall be able to retrieve information [ACTION] about the configuration of the RMC unit [TARGET].
✓ …….


Slide 31:

Learning Objective #1

Data Exchange Requirement (Monitor and Control)

Data Exchange Requirement (Monitor and Control). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following text: Data Exchange Requirement (Monitor and Control) - The central system [ACTOR] shall be able to make a request to the RMC unit [TARGET] with the communications command source (priority 2) to exchange data [ACTIONS] to inquire about the current configuration.

✓ …….


Slide 32:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 33:

Learning Objective #1

Which of the following is a well-formed requirement?

Answer Choices

  1. TMC shall be allowed to retrieve the plan from the RMC unit
  2. TMC needs to retrieve information from the RMC unit
  3. TMC needs to monitor metering operations
  4. The RMC unit shall comply with all requests

Slide 34:

Learning Objective #1

Review of Answers

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.a) TMC shall be allowed to retrieve the plan from the RMC unit
Correct! The requirement statement meets the criteria— Actor/Action/Target; standalone...necessary....

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) TMC needs to retrieve information from the RMC unit
Incorrect. This is a user need, not a requirement.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect. c) TMC needs to monitor metering operations Incorrect.
This is also a user need, not a requirement.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.d) The RMC unit shall comply with all requests
Incorrect. This statement is not well-formed as it does not include an actor and action, and is NOT a standalone.

Slide 35:

Summary of Learning Objective #1

Develop Requirements Using the NTCIP 1207 v02 RMC Unit Standard

Slide 36:

Learning Objective #2: Establish Interoperability and Vendor-Independence

Slide 37:

Learning Objective #2

Achieving Interoperability with SNMP Interface Parts of SNMP Interface

Achieving Interoperability with SNMP Interface. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: Achieving Interoperability with SNMP Interface: Has the following bulleted items: SNMP (Discussed in Module C101), Messages (Data Content for Actions by RMC unit), and Dialogs (Conversations). A text box is shown on the bottom left, with the text "SNMP Manager" and one on the right, marked as "SNMP Agent" with a two-way arrow connecting them.)

Slide 38:

Learning Objective #2

Types of SNMP Messages

Types of SNMP Messages. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Types of SNMP Messages: A table presents four types of messages in the first column, which are then connected with an outbound arrow to a text box that states "Each message contains a PDU". The table contains the following content:

Message Operation Action
1 GetRequest READ Retrieves Data from a Device
2 GetNextRequest READ Retrieves More Data
3 SetRequest WRITE Controls-Modifies a Function
4 GetResponse READ Reply-Status


Slide 39:

Learning Objective #2

Object's Structure Provides Content for a PDU

Object's Structure Provides Content for a PDU. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the followig text:

varBinding={OID, value} Maximum Number of Metered Lanes
rmcMaxNumMeteredLanes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) [VALUE] [For example, 3 metered lanes]
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"Indicates the maximum number of metered lanes that can be stored in the
Metered Lane Configuration Table, and, by association, in all other metered
lane tables.
<Unit> number
<Object Identifier> [OID]
"See Clause A.2.2"
::={ rmcMeterMain 1 }

The REFERENCE line has a blue arrow leading to the following text:
A.2.2Metered Lanes
The RMC unit shall have a maximum number of metered lanes parameter to indicate the number supported by the RMC unit.)

Slide 40:

Learning Objective #2

Developing Sample SNMP Dialogs

Generic SNMP Dialogs are Adopted from NTCIP 1204 v03 ESS (Annex, Section 3.5)

Developing Sample SNMP Dialogs. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: The slide contains the following text:

At the bottom of the slide, two boxes are connected with a two-headed arrow. The text box on left is "Management Station" and the one on right is "RMC Unit". Two separate arrows connect them to convey request message and response message.)

Slide 41:

Learning Objective #2

Example: Metered Lanes (Based on Annex A.2.2)

Management station retrieves metered lane data from the RMC unit with a GetRequest (Get), and receives a GetResponse indicating number of lanes currently metered. (1, 2 or 3 lanes metered)

Example: Metered Lanes (Based on Annex A.2.2). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Author's relevant notes: Example metered Lanes: A graphic is shown to convey a dialog-F3.1 Generic SNMP Get message-interface. On the left, Management Station is show with a sketch of a person. On the left is an RMC unit controller. The Get message originates from the management station with an arrow pointing to the RMC unit. A separate Get response originates from RMC unit with an arrow pointing to Management Station. This is a dialog.)

[F3.2 GetNext Dialog follows this sequence also, but for more data to be retrieved from table content.]

Slide 42:

Learning Objective #2

Example: Metered Lanes (Based on Annex A.7.1)

Management station requests the RMC unit with a SetRequest (Set) to selected metering plan, numbered as XX, and receives a confirmed action reply though GetResponse with a metering plan number being implemented

Example: Metered Lanes (Based on Annex A.7.1). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Example of Metered Lane: Same as above in slide 41, except Set Generic SNMP interface is shown.)

Slide 43:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 44:

Learning Objective #2

At the top left a TMC photo is shown and on the top right a photo of a RMC unit is shown. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Answer choice: At the top left a TMC photo is shown and on the top right a photo of a RMC unit is shown. A two headed arrow connects them. Which SNMP interface will modify the current metering plan?)

Which SNMP interface will modify the current metering plan?

Answer Choices

  1. GET interface
  2. GETNext Interface
  3. SET Interface

Slide 45:

Learning Objective #2

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect. a) GET Interface
Incorrect. Get operation ONLY retrieves (READ) the metering plan from the RMC unit.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) GetNext Interface
Incorrect. GetNext Interface retrieves multiple data from the RMC unit.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.c) SET Interface
Correct! ONLY SET operation modifies (WRITE) the current metering plan in effect.

Slide 46:

Summary of Learning Objective #2

Establish Interoperability and Vendor-Independence

Slide 47:

Learning Objective #3: Prepare Traceability

Tables for RMC

Slide 48:

Learning Objective #3

What is Traceability and How is it Achieved?

What is Traceability and How is it Achieved?. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: The slide contains the following text: Traceability is the ability to follow or study the logical progression among the need, requirements, and design details in a step-by-step fashion." (NTCIP 1204 v03 ESS)

The are two boxes below with the following text: On the left, User Needs to Requirements with PRL, and Requirements to Design with RTM

Below those boxes is another bos in red with the text "PRL and RTM for RMC System are NOT available" And below that box is a box in yellow with the textL "Users develop project-level PRL and RTM
by adopting formats from the NTCIP 1204 v03 ESS Standard.".)

Slide 49:

Learning Objective #3

Protocol Requirements List (PRL)

(Format adopted from SEP ESS standard)

Protocol Requirements List (PRL). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains a table with the follow content. The text "A table that maps the user needs to the requirements…" has an arrow pointing to the first row of the table.

UN ID User Need FR. ID Functional Requirement Conformance Project Requirement Additional Project Requirements
2.1 RMC Configuration 3.1 RMC Configuration M YES  

The text "Designed to help specify what you want the interface to do" points to the the bottom right of the table.

…must be part of agency's RMC unit specification.


Slide 50:

Learning Objective #3

Steps for Developing a PRL for RMC System

Steps for Developing a PRL for RMC System. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following tabe. The first two columns are outlined in red, the next two in black, the next two in blue and the final colulmn in blue.

UN ID User Need FR. ID Functional Requirement Conformance Project Requirement Additional Project Requirements
2.1 RMC Configuration 3.1 RMC Configuration M YES  
        O YES/NO  
2.N   3. N        


Slide 51:

Learning Objective #3

Organize User Needs and Requirements for Project Level PRL

Organize User Needs and Requirements for Project Level PRL. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following text. On the left is a box outlined in red with the text:

UN 2.1 Provide Live Data
UN 2.2 Provide Logged Data
UN 2.3 Provide Capability to Retrieve RMC Identity
UN 2.4 Fixed Rate
UN 2.5 Queue Override
UN 2.6 Traffic Responsive
UN 2.7 Signal Service
UN 2.8 Transitioning
UN 2.9 Configure a RMC Unit
UN 2.10 Command Source Priority
UN 2.11 Command Source Parameters
UN 2.12 Metering Action

On the right is box outlined in blue with the text:

3.2 Architectural Requirements
3.2.1 Provide Live Data
3.2.2 Provide Off-Line Logged Data
3.3 Data Exchange Requirements
3.3.1 Configuration
3.3.2 RMC Unit Control
3.3.3 Monitoring Status
3.4 Supplemental Requirements
3.4.1 Traffic Controller Firmware (if applicable)

Under the boxes is a smaller box with arrows leading from the left box to the right box with the text "A Project Level PRL Mapping".)

Slide 52:

Learning Objective #3

Example of a Project PRL for a RMC System

Example of a Project PRL for a RMC System. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Users may modify entries in rows to suit local project needs, but columns should not be changed to remain consistent with SEP. M-Mandatory, O-Optional. The table on this slide contains the following content:

UN ID User Need RQ. ID Requirement Conformance Project Requirement Additional Project Requirements
2.1 Provide Live Data 3.2.1 Provide Live Data M YES  
2.2 Provide Logged Data 3.2.2 Provide Off-Line Logged Data M YES  
2.3 Retrieve Identity 3.3.1 General Configuration M YES NTCIP 1207 v02 Annex B, CG B.3
2.9 Configure RMC unit 3.3.1 Configuration of Device M YES NTCIP 1201, CL 2.2
2.4 Fixed Rate 3.3.2 Metered Lane M YES NTCIP 1207-3.3
2.5 Queue Override 3.3.3 Queue Override O YES/NO Not widely used
2.N Block Objects 3.N   O Yes/No Undecided, per agency need

The content in the Conformance and Project Requirement columns is higlighted in a red outline from UN ID 2.1 to 2.4. Under the table is the text: Users may modify entries in rows to suit local project needs, but columns should not be changed to remain consistent with SEP.)

Slide 53:

Learning Objective #3

Benefits of the Project PRL

Slide 54:

Learning Objective #3

Requirements to Traceability Matrix (RTM)

(Format adopted from SEP ESS standard, including Dialogs)

Requirements to Traceability Matrix (RTM). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: The slide contains the following content:

A box on the top left contains the text "RTM associates each requirement" with the word "to" in between another box on the right with the text "first to a standardizeddialog and then to associated objects (design)." The second box has arrowds that point to the second and fourth columns in the table below:

Req.ID Dialog (From ESS Annex F) Requirement (Section 3 from a Specification) Object ID (Section 3 from NTCIP 1207 v02) Additional Requirements/Objects
3.1 F.3.1   3.2.1 NTCIP 1207 v02 clause
4.1 F.3.3      


Slide 55:

Learning Objective #3

Steps for Developing a RTM for RMC System

Step 1 Requirements: enter in column 1, 3

Step 2 Generic Dialog: enter in column 2

Step 3 Objects: using Annex B enter in column 4 associated objects or in some cases user maps requirement directly to pertinent objects (Sec.3)

Step 4 Project Specific Requirements: enter in column 5

Req.ID Dialog (From ESS Annex F) Requirement (Section 3 from a Specification) Object ID (Section 3 from NTCIP 1207 v02) Additional Requirements/Objects
3.1 F.3.1   3.2.1 NTCIP 1207 v02 clause
4.1 F.3.3      

Slide 56:

Learning Objective #3

Example of a Project RTM for RMC System

Req.ID Dialog (From ESS Annex F) Requirement (Section 3 from a Specification) Object ID (Section 3 from NTCIP 1207 v02) Additional Requirements/Objects
3.2.1 F.3.1 Provide Live Data   NTCIP 1204 v03 ESS Annex F
3.2.2 F.3.1 Provide Off-Line Logged Data   NTCIP 1204 v03 ESS Annex F
3.3.1 F.3.1 General Configuration    
3.3.1 F.3.1 Configuration of Device    
3.3.2   Metered Lane    
3.3.3   Queue Override   Some agency may have override queue policy
3.3.X F.3.3 Retrieve Current Time NTCIP 1201 v03 sec.2.4.1 GlobalTime

Slide 57:

Learning Objective #3

Benefits of the Project RTM

Slide 58:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 59:

Learning Objective #3

Which of the following ensures precise objects necessary to fulfill a requirement?

Answer Choices

  1. The Project PRL table
  2. The Project RTM table
  3. Generic SNMP Get Interface
  4. Major Desired Capability (MDC)

Slide 60:

Learning Objective #3

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) The Project PRL table
Incorrect. PRL traces user needs to requirements, not objects.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.b) The Project RTM table
Correct! RTM identifies objects necessary to fulfill a requirement.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) Generic SNMP Get Interface
Incorrect. Generic SNMP Get interface does not contain objects.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.d) Major Desired Capability (MDC)
Incorrect. MDC is part of a user need.

Slide 61:

Summary of Learning Objective #3

Understand Traceability

Slide 62:

Learning Objective #4:

Incorporate Requirements Not Supported by Standardized Objects

Slide 63:

Learning Objective #4

Context and Conditions for Extending the Standard

Slide 64:

Learning Objective #4

Technical Conditions for Extension

Slide 65:

Learning Objective #4

Extensions - Drawbacks

Slide 66:

Learning Objective #4

Example of Extending the Standard

Example of Extending the Standard. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: Relevant Author's Notes for this slide: Example of Extending the Standard: Graph at the bottom right of the slide showing density and flow rate. The example conveys that RMC shall support density-based metering level. This standard does not support this, so the requirement is labeled as Extended.)

Slide 67:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 68:

Learning Objective #4

Which of the following answers is FALSE?

Answer Choices

  1. An extended requirement is non-conformant to the standard
  2. An extended requirement will break the interoperability
  3. Only SNMP interface is permitted in the RMC system
  4. The project RTM may contain private objects

Slide 69:

Learning Objective #4

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) An extended requirement is non-conformant to the standard
Incorrect. The statement is true.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.b) An extended requirement will break the interoperability
Incorrect. The statement is true.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) Only SNMP interface is permitted in the RMC system
Incorrect. The statement is true.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.d) The project RTM may contain private objects
Correct! The statement is FALSE. Project RTM does not reference a private object for an extended requirement.

Slide 70:

Summary of Learning Objective #4

Incorporate Requirements Not Supported by Standardized Objects

Slide 71:

Learning Objective #5: Develop RMC Specification

Slide 72:

Learning Objective #5

Plans-Specifications and Estimates (PS and E). Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: The slide contains the following text: Plans-Specifications and Estimates (PS&E)

1 - General contractual requirements during system development, testing, deployment, integration, and operations/maintenance.

Hardware specification; Functional requirements; Performance requirements; Electrical-Mechanical-Environmental requirements

2 - Software specification; Functional requirements; Performance requirements

3 - RMC Specification
Communication Interface Specifications
Architectural Requirements
Data Exchange Requirements
Project PRL and RTM.)

Slide 73:

Learning Objective #5

RMC Specification

Slide 74:

Learning Objective #5

1. Addressing Interoperability Issues

Agencies Seeking Interoperability (Specifications) Must Select the Same User Needs/Requirements; Objects-Messages-PDUs and Dialogs

1. Addressing Interoperability Issues. Please see the Extended Text Description below.

(Extended Text Description: This slide contains the following content: On the left are three black boxes with text, the first which reads, "MIB-Objects", the second which reads, "GetRequest, GetNextRequest, SetRequest, GetResponse" and the third which reads, "PDU, varBindList". The black boxes point to the right to another box which reads, "Dialogs, F.3.1, F3.2, F3.3". This box points to another box to the right which reads, "RMC Unit". Above "RMC Unit" is the text, "Dialogs are adopted from SEP standards". )

Slide 75:

Learning Objective #5

2. Integrating PRL in the Project Specification

Slide 76:

Learning Objective #5

3. Coordination of Requirements

Slide 77:

Learning Objective #5

4. Controller Types/Mainline Detectors Station

Slide 78:

Activity. A placeholder graphic with an image of hand over a computer keyboard to show that an activity is taking place.

Slide 79:

Learning Objective #5

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Answer Choices

  1. The Project RTM specifies the objects and dialogs
  2. RMC unit can be readily replaced with a traffic controller
  3. RMC unit can also control an advanced warning sign
  4. SNMP must be specified to conform to NTCIP 1207 standard v02

Slide 80:

Learning Objective #5

Review of Answers

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.a) The Project RTM specifies the objects and dialogs
Incorrect. The statement is true.

A small graphical green and yellow check mark representing correct.b) RMC unit can be readily replaced with a traffic controller
Correct! This is a FALSE statement. RMC is a special controller equipped for Ramp Operations.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect.c) RMC unit can also control an advanced warning sign
Incorrect. The statement is true. RMC unit has outputs that turn signs ON during ramp operation and turn OFF when no metering condition is in effect.

A small graphical red and yellow X representing incorrect. d) SNMP must be specified to conform to NTCIP 1207 standard v02
Incorrect. The statement is true.

Slide 81:

Summary of Learning Objective #5

Develop a RMC Unit System Specification

Slide 82:

What We Have Learned

  1. RMC unit standard does not provide requirements and users must identify and write them for project specification.
  2. A requirement is a translation of a user need and has a structure and certain characteristics.
  3. Requirements are linked to interoperability and vendor-independence.

Specifically at the project level:

  1. Each requirement is traced to at least one user need in the project PRL.
  2. Requirements should be traced to objects and dialogs in the project RTM.

Slide 83:

What We Have Learned (cont.)

Slide 84:


Slide 85:

Next Course Module


Applying Your Test Plan to the Ramp Meter Control (RMC) Units Based on the NTCIP 1207 v02 Standard

Slide 86:

Questions? A placeholder graphic image with word Questions? at the top, and an image of a lit light bulb on the lower right side.