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a young person viewing ITS PCB Training on a computer monitor

About the ITS PCB Program

The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Professional Capacity Building (PCB) Program is the U.S. Department of Transportation’s primary mechanism for educating today’s and tomorrow’s transportation workforce about current and future intelligent transportation technology. The program assists transportation professionals, educators, and students in developing their knowledge, skills, and abilities to build technical proficiency while furthering their career paths. Learn more


News and Events

New Web-based Training - ITS: What, Why, and How

This course provides an introduction to fundamental ITS information. It explains how ITS technologies have been used to address transportation challenges and offers insights into the future directions in which ITS is expected to develop. The goal of this course is to provide those responsible for planning, designing, and managing programs, projects, or plans that include ITS with (1) an understanding of the capabilities and benefits of ITS; (2) the processes required to plan, procure, and implement ITS; (3) the tasks necessary to successfully manage ongoing ITS operations and maintenance needs; and (4) workforce needs to sustain ITS.

various ITS-related icons superimposed on an overhead photo of a highway interchange: a road, a satellite, a cloud, a traffic light, a bus, a pedestrian, a car, a road, etc.

New Web-based Training - Improving Highway Safety with ITS

This course provides transportation practitioners with a contextual deep dive into the ITS technologies with the highest potential for safety benefits. It explains how ITS technologies have been used to address transportation safety challenges and how an agency can incorporate use of those technologies into their transportation safety planning processes. It also offers insights into the future directions of ITS and the potential safety benefits that may be realized.

a photo of an overhead dynamic messaging sign (Move Over or Slow Down for Stopped Vehicles) which is flanked by two dynamic speed limit signs. On the side of the highway are stationary speed limit signs.

Featured Content

The Smart Community Resource Center (SCRC) is designed to connect States, Tribal governments, and local communities with resources that can be used to develop intelligent transportation systems and smart community transportation programs.

Click here for more information.

The ITS ePrimer provides transportation professionals with fundamental concepts and practices related to ITS technologies. This online resource can help practicing professionals and students better understand how ITS is integrated into the planning, design, deployment, and operations of surface transportation systems.

Click here for more information.

CAVe-in-a-box is a hands-on learning experience to aid curriculum, and support instruction for community colleges and trade schools, facilitate benchmarking connected vehicle equipment, and support onboarding of ITS technicians.

Click here for more information.

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For inquiries regarding the ITS PCB Program, please contact the USDOT Point of Contact below.
J.D. Schneeberger
Program Manager, Knowledge and Technology Transfer

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